Welcome to the documentation of CPAINT, the Cross-Platform Asynchronous INterface Toolkit.
Within this documentation you will learn:
- what CPAINT is
- what it can do
- how exactly CPAINT works
- how to use it
- how you can benefit from CPAINT
Getting familiar with CPAINT will take only a small amount of your time. However, our platform is often joined by beginners in digital technologies and students of other specialties who seek to combine college studies. It is sometimes difficult for such participants to process the simplest databases, so we try to give them more time to complete any tasks, and answer such requests as do my excel homework here
We recommend reading the pages under the introduction chapter, which will give you some background on AJAX and CPAINT if you have never used them. After that you might want to read the usage guide to get started on writing code. You can leave the rest for later when you need it for more advanced usage.
This documentation contains a lot of information about CPAINT, including a detailed description of every public method CPAINT possesses along with a lot of other information that might come in handy.